D wears: Longsleeve by Mini & Maximus // Pants by Mini & Maximus // Beanie by Vans.
We bought this bike for D when he turned 2, but no matter how much we lowered the seat it was still to high...until now! The little guy refuses to leave the house without a little spin on the bike, and finally he is getting the hang of the balance part. This particular one comes with attachable pedals and training wheels for when the balance stage is over with. Holiday is coming up in big style... One more day in school then we are official on Holiday. Not sure how active the blog will be during the holiday break. We have written down a long list of fun things to do, but if I got some time to spare I might put some photos up of what we have been up to over the break.
I hope you all have a lovely time and get to eat a lot of lovely food and enjoy the excitement that is Christmas. Happy Holidays to you all!!!
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