Some random images from our day off today. Melbourne Cup day means a day off here which is so welcomed. It feels extra luxury right in a newly started week, so with a bit of luck this week will feel very short. We have been having some quite warm weather lately, and a bit of rain as well, so it almost feel tropical! Layering up with the clothes is the only solution. Leggings can come off and hoodies can be put on in case the wind starts up or the rain feels like falling again. It was calm and beautiful down by the waterside. The sea was dead calm and there was no wind at all. After we had a bite to eat we could hear the rumbling over the city, and we knew a storm was brewing. A rather spectacular lightning show was put on and as we walked towards home it started to drizzle warm rain from the sky. Its funny when it is warm you sort of don't mind the rain. The only thing that was bad about it is that M is scared of thunder and she worried about the animals and how they would be safe if there were lightning. With a bit of reassuring that animals are generally fine during storms it was all smiles again...
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