Sunday, September 9, 2012

Moments | Into the Wild

M wears: Hoodie vest by Minti // Sweatshirt by Mini Rodini // Pants by Shampoodle // Shoes by Walnut Melbourne. D wears: Sweatshirt by Beau LOves // Jeans by H&M // Shoes by Converse. Cap by Element.

Beautiful weather today so we decided to head on up in the mountains and catch some lovely views. We all love it up here in the Ranges. We even briefly considered moving here because it is so beautiful, but it would be hard work wise to live here and the commute would just be too long. I have no doubts though that the kids would love living here. It is literally like stepping into a magical world. The trees are so incredible large and they seem to go on forever into the sky. The air is so fresh here and you can really feel you have been somewhere different when going home. We all fell asleep when we got home, in one big pile... wonderful day.

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