It's about that time again... Christmas. It is hard to miss it. Christmas decorations are starting to pop up everywhere, even here in Australia. As a Swede it has taken a couple of years (and I still can't say I have fully gotten use to it yet) that Christmas means summer over here. To me, it has of course always meant a big mix of, cold weather, candle light, gingerbread cookies, julmust, warm drinks, ham, Janson's frestelse etc etc. But here it is a big summer celebration, with English traditions mixed with a Aussie seafood extravaganza. Having glögg in 30c is just not the same if you know what I mean. But it is good, in a completely different way!
With Christmas comes decorations of course and I got my eye on
Petit Legarth's Christmas decoration. A nice break in the red and green for me. I like their exploration of soft colours and gentle flower patterns. The gorgeous handmade quilt advent calendar is something of a traditions for us Scandinavians. You can hang a little gift for each day in December. Made with liberty fabrics it features a little Santa flying over the Christmas night sky in an air balloon.
The calender measures 46x63cm with hooks for 24 advent calendar gifts or treats. You can find it and the other Petit Legarth decorations over at
Lille Figaro.
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