Saturday, July 14, 2012

Winter Weekend

After 2 weeks of school holidays we are making sure this weekend will be a relaxing one before the busy routines start all over again. The little man D turns 3 tomorrow, so that will be an event for sure. It is funny how you start looking forward more to the kids birthdays than your own. The excitement on their faces in the morning, the wrapping of their presents knowing they are going to be torn open in seconds, the joy of seeing them playing with something they have really longed for... it is so great.

The weather is in real switchero mode here. Yesterday it was actually quite warm and sunny and today it was back to windy and rain, but we managed to sneak out and have a bit of beach ball play in between the showers. I am so dreaming of Spring and Summer right now. I have had enough of runny noses and rain in my face... A couple of more months to go though, this is when a trip to the Caribbean would be so welcome..haha. Would love to switch the jacket and beanie for swimwear instead!


  1. Vad jag gillar din dotters byxor <3 va söt hon är =)

  2. Hej Catharina, tack! :) det är ett par Mini A Ture byxor vi köpte för ett par år sedan. De har lite mer häng än vad vi trodde när vi köpte dem, men de är tydligen super sköna att leka i har M hälsat... Trevlig söndag!

  3. Wow, beautiful pictures once again!:)

  4. ALLTID så fin! Så cool!
    Din dotter måste ha en avundsvärd garderob - hahaha ....
    Söt som få.

    kram, ulrika

    1. Hej Ulrika, tack för dina fina kommentarer! Oj ja, jag tror bestämt den lilla damen har mer kläder än jag har! Men hon har en skön attityd till kläder, "it's just clothes mum".. så jag tror det är nog mest mitt fel hon har en fylld garderob. Där finns ju så mycket fint för en liten tjej, och som tur är gillar hon lite av varje. Det blir nog värre när de blir tonåringar och vill ha Prada o dyl.. då blir det nog dags att focusera mer på min egen garderob..haha!!

  5. Hello, I have just discovered your blog & was wondering what brand those jeans are, they are gorgeous!

    1. Hi there,
      the jeans are by MINI A TURE Copenhagen :) Thanks for stopping by!


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