The sun was back in big style today and we celebrated with a bit of colour from the wardrobe. It is such a difference when you get a bit of sun compared to yesterdays grey and rain agenda.We made sure we got plenty of outside time to make up for yesterdays inside stint. M went loose on her scooter, this kids is fast! She has started to save up for a new scooter - a trick scooter. I think helmet on is a must for sure then. D got a chance to practice on the two wheel one instead of his 3 wheel micro scooter which is good practice for his balance. The balance that a 2 wheel scooter give you has certainly helped M on her bike skills. When she went to bike with no training wheels she only needed one try and that was it. D still got a way to go but he is definitely getting better.
After lunch at our favorite cafe we stopped at a playground and the kids got their climbing groove on. I think I am slowly understanding what my own mum had to go through, I was bitten bad by the climbing bug when I was little. I was constantly trying to see how high I could climb and ever so often my dad had to climb up after me to get me down. Luckily the trees weren't that high in this park.
Ohhh it is so good it is Friday again! Friday evening must be our favorite time of the week, the whole weekend in front of us and hopefully some time to sneak in some extra rest. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
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