You can snap a photo with your phone/ipad and then it is up to you how you want it to come to life. Featuring the art of renowned street artist Bue the Warrior (who I have written about before here.), you can make any object come to life by adding eyes, mouths, glasses, characters, etc to your photo. It is a great concept that keeps the imagination happy. My kids often took shots of themselves or each other and went to town with the transformations. There is nothing that can bring out giggles like putting a little poop character on your sisters/brother head! Or your parents for that matter ;) If you want to give your kids a break from all the mindless score focused games out there, then this is a good place start. To see the app in action see a little video here.
As a little bonus it is back to school day in Europe, so today 2nd Sep & 3rd of Sep you can download the app for FREE!
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