Somehow this year feels very different already. I feel like I am in some kind of strange bubble just waiting for it to pop and to be brought back into reality. This year my daughter starts school. In Australia you start school when you are 5. Being a Swede the first time I heard this I was almost shocked. I thought 5 was too early. In Sweden you usually start at 7 or sometimes when you are 6. I have come to realize though that the kids somehow gets to be ready for school a bit earlier here since their 4 year old kinder is so much more focused on getting them ready for school, so the transition from Kinder to school is so much easier. Still it is going to be full long days, 9 - 3 everyday. Most of the mothers I have talked to who have kids starting school are more or less freaking out as well. The questions are running around in their heads. Are my child ready for school? will they be OK? will they have new friends? etc. I guess it is a universal thing and something all parents go through. Then there is the issue of getting up in time, making a healthy nutritional lunch box each day, and finding a routine that works for the whole family. Yep, there is definitely change in the air.
Well this month before school I have made sure to really do everything I can with my girl. We hang out, do arts and craft, go to the movies, check out the parks, have beach time, and I make sure to spoil her a bit when the opportunity knocks. Yesterday we had to go shopping for a little baby that just have arrived and we ended up having a long cafe break, with pancakes, baby chinos and an extra plush toy rabbit somehow got bought. I feel like these days are numbered and even though I feel it is bittersweet I embrace that we can have this time to just hang out and have fun together. When school does start I will definitely make sure to have a post on some good lunch box recipes - I am sure I am not the only one who wonders how to make some good boxes 5 days a week...