It was a good 3 weeks break from school and kinder routines. The term break was really only 2 weeks but with sneaky public holidays in between it turned out to be almost 3 week of pure family time. Autumn/Winter has really taken hold now and even though the sun comes out to warm us up, it is clear there is no return from the colder weather now. Here are some photos from our Easter egg hunt. We decided to head for a new spot and found a marvelous little beach playground which was perfect to hide the eggs at. Both kids had fun trying to spot them all.
The day started out with rain and hard winds and it looked like the egg hunt would have to wait a day, but just as we parked the car, the sun started to make an appearance and the rain stopped. After all the eggs had been found and the kids had big run on the beach it even became warm enough to throw off the jackets. We ended the Easter day with a lovely lunch at Parkdale Beach cafe and a sense of gratitude that the weather gave the kids a break so they could do their anticipated egg hunt.
:) Lovely pictures!