D wears: Peace wave tee by Munsterkids / Island tribe cap by Munsterkids / shorts by Munsterkids / Shoes by Natives. M wears: Luca top by Petitbo / Boo leggings by Petitbo / Necklace by Småfolk.
I feel like we are finally here, almost at the end of the year, and over here in the midst of Christmas and New Year it also means the longest summer holiday break! Kids are out of kinder/school and we are off to NSW and a chance to kick back and have a few weeks in the sun and surf. We are signing off for a few weeks with some sunny photos from the weekend, and take this opportunity to wishing you all a lovely Christmas break where ever you might be. See you in the new year and thank you for visiting this past year! There are many new exciting projects lining up that I can't wait to share with you all, so check back in the beginning of January!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!