Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rain ahoy!

Wow... it has gone back to be autumn, yes I would even say winter here in Australia! Rain for almost a week straight. But with kids you simply have to soldier on, on with the wellies and rain suits and out and enjoy the playgrounds, come rain come sunshine (although I am hoping the last part is coming really soon!)


  1. Sometimes people who live in the southern atmosphere wonder how we can go out in the winter as it's so cold, but as you said; it's all about the correct clothes not the weather! =) (I hate going out in the rain so my son gets to do that only at daycare... ;D)

  2. I think my love for the outdoors is too strong, so if the weather is bad for a couple of days we simply have to just dress for the occasion and get out there, no matter how it looks..haha


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