Hip kids 2 in 1 steel balance bike is not only a great looking bike but it's very unique in it's practicality. It can easily be converted from a balance bike to a pedal bike allowing you to get extra mileage from the bike. With an easily removable drive system (crank, pedals,chain, etc.), allowing for the two modes of operation: learning and riding.
This red toddler bike can be primarily used as a balance bike in the learning mode (without drive system) to teach young children the basic skills (balancing, braking and control) needed to ride a bicycle without the use of training wheels. Once these skills are mastered, the pedal crank case can be easily attached in one piece without mess, the rest of the drive system fastened and the bicycle is ready for use in the riding mode as a 12 inch Bicycle. Hip kids balance bike also comes with training wheels if required making the transition from balance bike to learning to ride a bike (with pedals) even easier.
Cool idea! My son has both balance bike and regular bike (and also a tricycle, spoiled kid what more can I say... ;D) so I'm bummed I didn't know about this when I was buying his bikes!
Cool idea!
ReplyDeleteMy son has both balance bike and regular bike (and also a tricycle, spoiled kid what more can I say... ;D) so I'm bummed I didn't know about this when I was buying his bikes!
ReplyDeleteI know!! We did the same with our daughter..trike, bike etc.. now if this is as good as it looks, its a keeper :)